Oportunidades de voluntariado
Hay muchas oportunidades para que los padres y los miembros de la comunidad ayuden en el aula, la oficina o la biblioteca.

There are many opportunities for parents and community members to assist in the classroom, office, or library. The staff not only appreciate your help, but also enjoys working with parents and community members.

Our volunteers have found this to be a rewarding and worthwhile experience. If you are interested, contact the office or your child’s teacher.

All three schools welcome volunteers! To protect the safety and welfare of our children, the Sisters School District conducts annual criminal background checks on all school volunteers who work directly with students, either in the classroom or on field trips.

In addition to the background check, SSD requires online training, and acknowledgement of the Volunteer Handbook.

If you are intertested in starting the volunteer process.  Please download the “How to Become a Volunteer” document and follow the steps.

How to Become a Volunteer

Become A Volunteer Flyer

Volunteer Handbook

Volunteer Handbook


Contact SES

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Motivo de la solicitud de asistencia
Detalles de la solicitud de asistencia (cuantos más detalles, mejor)
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