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Vida estudiantil
Within the Sisters School District, each of our students is more than a number, more than a name on a…
Escuela Primaria Sisters
Sisters Elementary School has a student body of just over 300, representing grades Kindergarten through 4.We will put students first…
Menú de mediodía
The Oregon Legislature provides funding that eliminates the reduced price payment for School Breakfast and Lunch
Outlaw Chess Club
Our athletic program is proud to be part of our excellent offerings of co-curricular opportunities at Sisters Middle School and…
Líder en mí
We move our students along the Maturity Continuum from dependence into independence and then to interdependence as we apply the…
SSD Legal Notices
Sisters School District is committed to equal opportunity and non-discrimination in all of its educational and employment activities.
We pride ourselves on the use of technology throughout the schools and classrooms. Technology is ever changing and it requires…
Students receive traditional instruction coupled with special programming in Art, Music, PE, STEM, and Emotional Learning.
Promesa preescolar
We are committed to meeting the changing needs of our students by working with families to embrace the individual differences…
Primer curso
El primer curso marca un hito importante para los niños pequeños, que por fin se sienten parte de una escuela "grande".
Segundo curso
En segundo curso, la mayoría de los niños practican las destrezas aprendidas en cursos anteriores y empiezan a utilizarlas con facilidad.
Tercer curso
En tercer curso, los niños empiezan a encajar las piezas del aprendizaje para asumir tareas más complicadas.
Cuarto curso
Cuarto grado en la Escuela Primaria Sisters es un gran año de transición para nuestros estudiantes.
Jardín de infancia
La mayoría de los niños de guardería quieren aprenderlo todo sobre el mundo y su funcionamiento.
Quinto curso
Fifth graders work hard on projects and tasks that require them to draw on the skills and strategies they have…
Consejero Aprendizaje Guiado
Parents, the press, administrators and the general public often wonder just what it is that school counselors do on a…
Art in the SES studio is all about exploring our inner artist.
At Sisters Elementary School, our students have the opportunity to visit the music classroom 2-3 times per week
At Sisters Elementary School, our students have the opportunity to visit the STEM Lab 1-2 times per week.
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